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UAE SMS Laws 101: A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses

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This guide will walk you through all you need to know about SMS regulations in the UAE.

You’d learn the regulations and the consequences of flouting their rules.

This new information will keep your SMS campaigns on track and keep you on the right side of the law. 

If you send SMS messages to or from the UAE, our customer support team can help you set up your messaging strategy to meet your business needs and requirements in the UAE.

We have the expertise to ensure that your SMS messaging works perfectly. Get in touch.

Let’s get started.

SMSCountry is the best bulk SMS service provider for OTP, transactional, and promotional SMS in the UAE. Learn more about our SMS services.

Importance of SMS regulations in the UAE

Below are some reasons why you should comply with SMS regulations in the UAE:

  • Protecting consumer privacy: SMS regulations keep your customers’ data safe. You risk facing penalties if you don’t follow these regulations.
  • Preventing spam: When you follow the SMS laws, you save your customers the annoyance of spam messages. Only customers who consent will receive your messages. 
  • Ensuring fair competition: SMS regulation in the UAE levels the playing field for all businesses. This way, you can compete fairly with other businesses. 
  • Building trust: When you follow SMS regulations, you build trust in your customers. You prove to them that you respect their privacy.

You have seen why SMS regulations are important in the UAE. Now, let’s see some of the bodies regulating the use of SMS in the UAE

Learn more about SMS in the UAE

4 relevant regulatory bodies governing SMS in the UAE 

If you send an SMS in the UAE, you must know the regulatory bodies in charge. 

The following are the three key bodies responsible for SMS regulations: 

  1. Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
  2. National Media Council (NMC)
  3. Ministry of Interior (MoI)
UAE SMS Laws | SMS regulatory bodies in the UAE

Let’s take a closer look at them.

1. Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)

TRA is the primary body overseeing telecommunications services in the UAE.

They regulate SMS marketing and messaging services and ensure you follow UAE’s SMS laws.

Some of these laws include keeping your SMS campaigns respectful and avoiding spamming. The TRA also monitors compliance with advertising and content regulations for SMS messages.

2. National Media Council (NMC)

The NMC handles media and advertising in the UAE. Their regulations cover the use of language and imagery in your SMS messages. 

They also look out for the accuracy and truthfulness of your marketing claims. 

You have to follow the NMC’s guidelines for SMS marketing. Failure to do so will result in penalties.

3. Ministry of Interior (MoI)

MoI oversees laws related to public safety and security in the UAE. 

They oversee SMS messaging to prevent the spread of false information. Especially those that could harm public safety. 

The MoI monitors compliance with laws related to national security. They also oversee anti-terrorism measures in SMS messaging.

You need the best SMS service provider and reliable OTP service provider that will assist you in staying compliant with the laws in the UAE.

6 key SMS laws and regulations in the UAE 

In this section, we’ll look at the six key laws governing SMS in the UAE.

1. Telecom regulatory authority (TRA) regulations

UAE SMS Laws | SMS regulatory bodies in the UAE, TRA

You must follow some important rules when sending SMS messages in the UAE. 

The Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) puts these rules in place. And they’re essential for keeping your SMS campaigns legal and hassle-free.

Here are the primary rules you need to know:

  • Get permission: Before sending any messages, you have to ask your customers if they’d love to receive them.
  • Let them unsubscribe: You must provide an easy and straightforward way for your customers to opt out of receiving messages if they change their minds.
  • Tell them who you are: Your messages must clearly express who you are and how to contact you.
  • Send SMS at the appropriate time: You can send SMS messages in the UAE between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm UAE time. Outside of these hours, sending SMS messages is not permitted. 
  • Don’t spam them: You can’t send too many messages or messages that aren’t useful or true.
  • Keep records: You have to track who wants to receive your messages and who doesn’t. Also, you need to keep these records safe for at least two years.
  • Help the police: If there’s a case of SMS fraud, you must cooperate with the authorities to identify the responsible party.

Following these rules, your SMS campaigns will have no legal issues or penalties.

2. UAE telecommunications regulatory framework

The UAE telecommunications regulatory framework is a set of rules and guidelines. It helps ensure that people who use phones and the internet in the UAE are treated fairly.  

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is responsible for ensuring these rules are followed.

UAE SMS Laws | SMS regulatory bodies in the UAE

Here are the key rules for SMS marketing under the framework:

  • Ask for permission: Ask your customers if sending them SMS messages before you do is okay. 
  • Make it easy to unsubscribe: Make it easy for your customer to stop receiving your SMS messages.  
  • Say who you are: You must say who you are in the SMS message you send your customers. Add your contact information. 
  • Don’t send too many: You must not send too many messages or messages that aren’t useful or true.
  • Keep information safe: You must keep your customer’s information safe and not share it with anyone else.

3. National Media Council advertising regulations

NMC makes sure advertisements follow the rules in the UAE. 

UAE SMS Laws | SMS regulatory bodies in the UAE

If you want to advertise by sending text via SMS messages, you need to follow these rules:

  • Get permission: You need a go-ahead from NMC to send SMS marketing messages.
  • Be honest: Your messages have to be honest and not mislead people.
  • Be respectful: Your messages must not go against the values and customs of the UAE.
  • Be careful: You can’t put anything harmful or bad in your messages.
  • Keep information safe: You must keep your customers’ information safe. Do not share it with others without permission.

4. Cybercrime law

If you don’t follow the Cybercrime Law in the UAE, you could get fined or even go to jail.

See the rules to follow to stay in line with the cybercrime law:

  • No spam: It’s illegal to send fake or harmful SMS messages. Make sure your SMS messages are real and helpful.
  • Be respectful: You can’t send SMS messages that offend people’s religion or culture. Keep your messages nice and respectful.
  • No threats: Using SMS to threaten or hurt anyone is illegal. Only send messages that are kind and respectful.
  • No fake news: Spreading lies through SMS that hurt someone’s reputation is illegal. Double-check your messages before sending them.
  • Pirated messages: You can’t send an SMS that violates copyright laws. This protects the rights of creators and innovators. Get the necessary permissions to use any copyrighted material.

5. Federal law No. 5 of 2012 on combatting cybercrimes

This law helps to keep people safe from hackers and scams.

Here’s a breakdown of the rules under this law relating to SMS:

  • No cybercrime: The law says you can’t do fraudulent things online. Don’t hack, steal people’s identities, or be mean to others online.
  • Protection of privacy and data: The law says privacy is important. So, you must ask permission before using your customers’ personal information.
SMSCountry is the best bulk SMS service provider for OTP, transactional, and promotional SMS in the UAE. Learn more about our SMS services.

What are the consequences of violating SMS regulations in the UAE?

You must work within the UAE’s SMS marketing regulations to avoid punishment. 

Non-compliance can result in huge fines and legal actions. These penalties will harm your business in the long run. 

For instance, a company that violated the TRA SMS regulations paid a fine of AED 250,000. Upon that, the TRA suspended their SMS service for a month. 

Such a penalty can affect your revenue and customer trust. So, you must remember these consequences to deter you from violating SMS regulations:

  • Fines: Violating SMS regulations in the UAE can result in fines. These fines are a huge burden, especially if you run a startup. A fine can be between AED 50,000 to AED 500,000, depending on your offence’s severity.
  • Reputational damage: Non-compliance can damage your business’ reputation. It shows you don’t regard the law and your customers’ privacy. As a result, you lose your customers’ trust.  
  • Legal action: If you violate any SMS regulations in the UAE, you could face legal action. This could result in expensive lawsuits and settlements.
  • Revenue Loss: Your customers might unsubscribe from your SMS services. This can lead to a loss of revenue and hurt your bottom line.
  • Suspension of services: Sometimes, you can have your SMS services suspended.  This can be bad for you, especially when you rely on SMS marketing for your operations.

Best practices for SMS compliance in the UAE

When you send text messages for your business in the UAE, there are some important rules you have to follow. Here are some tips to help you follow the rules:

  • Know the laws: You have to learn about SMS laws. Especially those about how you can use text messages for advertising.
  • Work with experts: You need an experienced SMS provider who follows SMS rules. This way, you don’t get into trouble.
  • Keep things private: You must keep your customers’ personal information safe. Also, don’t share their information with third parties. 
  • Follow content and frequency laws: You can’t send too many messages or messages that are not true. Be sure to follow the rules about what you can say in your messages.

Great job on learning about SMS regulation in the UAE. Now, we’d look at common questions people often ask about SMS regulations in the UAE and provide answers.

Also read:

Keep your SMS campaigns compliant with UAE regulations

You now know the regulatory bodies, laws, and best practices you must follow when sending SMS in the UAE.

Pick a reliable SMS service provider to enjoy the best SMS marketing experience. This way, you don’t need to worry about flouting SMS rules and regulations in the UAE.

Check out the best SMS service provider and reliable OTP service provider in the UAE.
Contact us now if you have inquiries about SMS so our team will attend to you.

UAE SMS regulations FAQ

In this section, you’ll find answers to some common questions on SMS regulations for businesses in the UAE.

1. Are there specific laws and regulations for SMS in the UAE?

There are specific laws and regulations for SMS in the UAE. Bodies like the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority oversee SMS regulations in the UAE.

2. Can businesses send SMS messages to customers without their consent?

You cannot send SMS messages to customers without their consent. You must get consent from customers before sending them any promotional messages.

3. Are there restrictions on the type of content you can include in SMS messages?

There are restrictions on the type of content that you can put in SMS messages. You must ensure that the content of your messages is not offensive. It must not be misleading or violate religious, cultural, or ethical norms.

4. Is it necessary to provide an opt-out option in SMS messages?

You must provide an opt-out option in their SMS messages. It allows customers to easily opt out of receiving further messages if they choose to do so.

5. Can businesses buy databases of phone numbers to send SMS messages to?

No, businesses cannot send SMS messages to a third-party list. You must get consent from your customers before sending any SMS message.

6. What happens if a business violates SMS regulations in the UAE?

There are legal consequences if you violate SMS rules and regulations in the UAE market. For example, fines or even criminal charges.

7. Is it mandatory to store customer data securely?

You must store customer data securely. Take necessary measures to prevent unauthorised access to your customer’s data.

8. Are there any restrictions on the frequency of SMS messages sent to customers?

There are restrictions on the frequency of SMS messages sent to customers. You must ensure that you do not bombard your customers with messages. 

9. Can businesses send promotional messages to customers during unsociable hours?

You cannot send promotional messages to customers during unsociable hours. For example, late at night or early in the morning. This is to ensure that customers are not disturbed or inconvenienced.

10. Is it allowed to send SMS messages promoting illegal activities?

It is not allowed to send SMS messages promoting illegal activities. It is strictly prohibited.

Anuoluwa Author | SMSCountry

Anuoluwa Soneye understands the world of technology and hospitality like a part of his arm. He brings this experience to work in creating content around SaaS tools, cybersecurity, communication tech for you. He not only writes based on his experience and online research, he also reaches out to experts in the field to gather ideas that you'd find very useful.

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