Anuoluwa Soneye

Anuoluwa Author | SMSCountry

Anuoluwa Soneye understands the world of technology and hospitality like a part of his arm. He brings this experience to work in creating content around SaaS tools, cybersecurity, communication tech for you. He not only writes based on his experience and online research, he also reaches out to experts in the field to gather ideas that you'd find very useful.

Recent Posts:

How to Handle Rush Hour in Your Healthcare Facility Like...

Are you ready to conquer the chaos of rush hour in your...

how to avoid chargebacks

How to Avoid Chargeback Fraud: Tools, Tactics, And Best Practices...

Do you get that sinking feeling when you get a chargeback notification?...

Emergency response plan for schools

How to Keep Your School Safe: Emergency Response Plans for...

Have you ever felt worried about your school’s safety during an emergency? ...

SMS for education administration

How to Use SMS to Transform Education Administrative Processes in...

You know how tough it gets to keep a school running smoothly. ...

SMS in E-Commerce

SMS in E-Commerce: 6 Reasons Why SMS is the Future...

Is SMS marketing still cool in 2023?  Well, here is the truth,...

SMS for e-commerce

SMS For E-commerce: How to Provide The Best Online Buying...

How do you feel when your customers face a bad experience with...

Whatsapp message template

10 Best Practices You Should Follow to Avoid WhatsApp Message...

Tired of getting WhatsApp message template rejections?  We know how frustrating it...

5 Best Bulk SMS Service Providers For Businesses in Saudi...

With so many bulk SMS solutions, finding the best for your business...

SMS survey templates

15 SMS Survey Templates For Gathering Valuable Customer Data

In this article, we share 15 SMS survey templates and example messages....

UAE SMS Laws 101 A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses

UAE SMS Laws 101: A Comprehensive Guide For Businesses

This guide will walk you through all you need to know about...