How to use SMS

How to Use SMS to Transform Education Administrative Processes in Your School

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You know how tough it gets to keep a school running smoothly. 

There are appointments to schedule, reminders to send, and paperwork to manage. It can all get overwhelming.

But don’t worry. Text messaging is a simple solution that can make your life much easier. 

How does this work? 

In this article, we’ll show you how to use SMS text messaging to transform how you manage your school’s education administrative processes.

So grab a snack, and let’s dive straight into this.

What are the current administrative challenges in educational institutes?

SMS for education administration | A confused man rejecting items from people

Schools face many challenges. These issues cause stress and make it hard for them to offer their best. 

Some of the admin challenges schools deal with are:

  • Paperwork overload: You have to deal with a ton of paperwork. This takes up a lot of time and makes things confusing.
  • Data management: You have to keep track of important info. For example, student records and employee contracts. But it can be hard to organise and keep everything secure.
  • Staffing shortages: You could find keeping good teachers and staff members hard. This makes it harder to run things smoothly.
  • Budget constraints: You often don’t have much extra money to spend. This can make it tough to buy new things or hire more staff.
  • Parent communication: You need to keep parents informed about what’s happening.  But sometimes, it’s hard to get in touch with everyone or ensure everyone gets the message.
  • Student engagement: You want to make students excited about learning. But sometimes, it’s hard to keep them engaged.
  • Scheduling conflicts: Between meetings, activities, and events, scheduling can be a headache.
  • Compliance requirements: You have to follow a lot of rules and regulations. This is to make sure everything is legal and safe. But it can be hard to keep up with everything.
  • Safety and security: Keeping students and staff safe is your top priority. But it takes a lot of work and attention to detail.
  • Technological integration: Schools need to use new technologies to keep up with the times, but it can be tricky to figure out how to use everything and ensure everything works together.

Learn how to How to Manage Your Entire School From a Spreadsheet

What are the benefits of streamlining your administrative processes? 

You lose out big time if you aren’t streamlining your admin process. With a more straightforward and more efficient admin process, you can achieve the following: 

  • Saves time and effort: Streamlining lets you get things done faster and with less work.
  • Fewer mistakes:  When you streamline, you’re less likely to make mistakes. This makes everything more accurate and up-to-date.
  • Better communication: Streamlining can help you talk to parents, students, and staff better.  This way, everyone knows what’s going on.
  • More security: Streamlining can help keep your important information safe and secure.
  • Better teamwork: Streamlining can help you work better with others. That way, you can get things done more efficiently.
  • Smarter decisions: With good information, you can make better decisions about your school.
  • Happier parents: When everyone communicates well, parents are happier with the school.

Which processes can you streamline with SMS?

At this point, you must brainstorm what admin processes you can streamline with SMS. 

Let’s help you out. Some of the critical processes you can streamline are:

1. Attendance tracking 

Want to make sure parents know when their kids miss school? You can use SMSes to send reminders about unexcused absences. That way, everyone is on the same page.

Attendance tracking helps you track student engagement and performance. With SMS, attendance tracking can become more effective and streamlined. 

Here’s how you can use SMS for attendance tracking:

  • Set up an SMS system: Get an SMS system that can send automated messages about attendance to parents. You can use an SMS service provider like SMSCountry to send SMS or integrate SMS API into your school management system.
  • Collect parent contact info: Collect parents’ mobile numbers and email addresses during registration. You can also send out a form or survey.
  • Create attendance messages: Create attendance messages. This message will include the date, time, and reason for the absence. You can also add instructions for how to follow up with the school.
  • Send attendance messages: Send attendance messages to parents using the SMS system. 

See The Biggest Benefits of Bulk SMS for Schools (+ 25 Free School SMS Templates)

Event notifications 

If you want to tell parents, teachers, and staff about school events, sending an SMS is a quick and easy way. 

Here’s how you can make it happen:

  • Set up an SMS system: This means finding a way to send messages to parents, teachers, and staff. You should sign up with a text messaging service provider or use an existing system at your school.
  • Get everyone’s contact info: You must have people’s phone numbers to send messages. Collect this info from parents, teachers, and staff via survey or during registration.
  • Create the message: Include all the essential details about the event. For example, the date, time, location, and special instructions.
  • Send the message: You can either send all the messages at once or schedule them to go out later. This way, everyone knows about the event and won’t miss out on anything important.

Using SMS to notify people about events can help increase attendance and save time.

Discover How to Organise and Host a Successful Physical Event

Emergency alerts

Let’s say a snowstorm, a fire or something unexpected happens at school. It’s important to let parents, teachers, and staff know immediately. 

Text messages can be a great way to send emergency alerts. This is because they’re fast, and everyone can get them on their phones because they do not need the internet to receive SMS messages.

Here’s how it works:

  • Set up an SMS system: You must set up a way to send text messages to parents, teachers, and staff. They can use a text messaging service provider or a school management system.
  • Get the contact info: Next, you must get everyone’s phone numbers. Ensure you have permission to send text messages to them. You can send a form or ask for contact info during registration.
  • Make emergency messages: You can write a message during an unexpected event. Add important info and instructions on how everyone can stay safe. You need to keep it short and precise.
  • Send emergency messages: Send the message to everyone’s phones as soon as possible.

Student communication 

You can use SMS to update your students about deadlines or schedule changes. 

Here are the steps to make it happen:

  • Set up an SMS system:  You can use an SMS service provider or add an SMS function to your school management system.
  • Collect contact information: Gather contact information from your students. You can send a form or survey or collect information during school registration.
  • Create messages: Write clear and concise messages with important info.
  • Send messages: Use the SMS system to send the messages out on time.

Using SMS to communicate with students helps your students stay on track. They can avoid missed deadlines or confusion about schedules.

You can also follow up with your students after sending messages. Ensure they got and understood the information.

Surveys and feedback

You can use SMS to send surveys and gather feedback from parents, students, and staff. That way, you can better understand their needs and improve school operations.  

Here are the steps to make it effective:

  • Set up a survey system: Use a survey tool to create and send surveys via text message. Make sure it allows for anonymous responses to encourage honest feedback.
  • Determine the survey goal: Decide what you want to learn from the survey. Then, write straightforward questions to help you gather the necessary information.
  • Send the survey: Send the survey through text message to the targeted audience. It can be parents or staff members.
  • Analyse the feedback: Once the responses come in, analyse the data. Take note of the trends and insights that emerge.
  • Take action: Based on the feedback, make necessary changes.

Using SMS for surveys and feedback is an easy way to get insights into the needs of your school community. It also shows that you value their opinions and are willing to improve their experience.

How will text messaging make your work better?

Imagine using bulk SMS to give parents, teachers, and students important info. 

No emails. No announcements over the intercom. Just SMS messages. 

Everyone could receive quick and easy updates right on their phones.

You can communicate better via SMS to run administrative tasks while saving time and effort. 

For instance, you can send reminders about upcoming events, deadlines, or parent-teacher conferences. 

SMSCountry provides all you need to delight your customers with fast and secure OTP and transactional SMS. At the best price

You can also use SMS to collect feedback from students, parents, and teachers. All these can help improve school operations and address any issues.

The benefits of using SMS are many. You can communicate with a large audience and reduce the workload of your admin staff. and keep everyone informed and up-to-date. 

It’s also a convenient and cost-effective method. Everyone can receive an SMS on their phones, even without an internet connection.

How can you start using SMS to work smarter?

You can send parents, students, and staff quick reminders, emergency alerts, and essential real-time updates with SMS. 

Let’s discover how to use SMS to work smarter in your school’s administration. 

Choose an SMS service provider

You’ll need to find the right SMS service provider to start using SMS to work smarter. 

Here are some steps to help you choose the perfect provider:

  • Go for specialisation: Choose a provider that has experience working with schools. This way, you can be sure they are familiar with needs peculiar to schools.
  • Check the features: Make sure the provider offers the features you need. For example, two-way messaging, message scheduling, and contact management.
  • Check the pricing: Compare pricing from different providers. This way, you can find one that is within your budget.
  • Look for reviews: Read reviews from other schools. This will help you determine if they are happy with the provider’s service and support.
  • Check for integration: If you have a school management system, look for an SMS provider with a good API. That way, you can integrate with your system to make things easier.
  • Consider customer support: Look for a provider that offers excellent customer support. For example, a dedicated account manager or 24/7 support.

SMSCountry has all you need to use SMS to run a smooth and effective school. Learn more about what we have to offer your educational institution.

How to set up SMSCountry to do your best work 

Setting up SMSCountry to send bulk SMS and sort your admin processes is a breeze. All you have to do is:

  • Go to the SMSCountry website and click on the “Sign Up” button
  • Choose a sign-up method: Email, Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook
  • Type in your email address and check the terms and conditions box, then click “Sign Up”
  • You’ll receive a prompt to check your email to complete your registration.
  • Go ahead to check your email and click on “Verify Email”
  • Choose either “For Business” or “API” and click on “Create Workspace”
  • Fill in the required information, such as your name, company, and address.
  • Click “Setup Dashboard”

Simple as ABC, right? 

The beautiful part is that SMSCountry’s customer support team is always available to help you set up and start sending SMS any time you want. 

Some SMS success stories from educational institutions

How do you know that SMSCountry works? 

We have stories of two schools that have used SMSCountry to streamline their admin process. We know you are itching to hear them.

Unique Higher Secondary School

Unique Higher Secondary School found it challenging to reach out to parents. They tried emails, but it didn’t work. This was because of limited access to the internet and technology in the area. 

SMSCountry helped them out. We gave them a way to send text messages to all parents, no matter what technology they had. 

The school found out about our text messaging service from their computer system and decided to use it. With our SMS service, they could send the following: 

  • Fee reminders
  • Alerts for absent students
  • Admission-related updates 

SMSCountry’s easy-to-use website helped the school save time and resources. The administration team did not have to spend hours navigating complex and confusing interfaces. 

This allowed the team to focus on other critical tasks, such as student support. The best part is they didn’t have to sacrifice the quality of their communication.

This is what the school manager, Ranveer Bais, had to say:

“SMSCountry’s web interface is simple to navigate and easy to understand. I appreciate the direct access to the portal. It saves us time and allows us to send timely updates and alerts to all parents easily.”

Read the full customer story.

Preparatory School for students

A prep school needed a fast and secure communication channel. They had to notify their students of upcoming events. For example, webinars, seminars, class schedules, and enrollment announcements. 

So, they needed a channel that delivers messages and alerts to their audience on time.

Also, they sell test preparatory services. So, staying in touch with prospective students was significant. It will help them increase their chances of boosting enrollments. 

That’s not all. The school needed parents to work with their children to improve their grades. Because of this, they needed to update parents on their children’s progress.

Cyber security was a concern with a large audience to engage and connect with. They needed to secure their students’ portals and prevent unauthorised.  

To solve these problems, the school turned to SMSCountry’s SMS services. With our SMS solution, they could reach their students, prospects, and parents on time.

Our SMS service helped them stay in touch with parents and students. They could send reminders, alerts, and updates to their audience quickly. 

That’s not all. Our two-factor authentication (2FA) service kept their students’ portal info safe and secure. They had no more worries since only authorised users had access to their systems.

Some free SMS templates that’ll make your work easier

We created 10 SMS templates to help you send messages to your students, staff and parents.

1. Event notification

Send an event notification SMS to tell students, staff or parents about an upcoming event. 

Template: Hello [name]. Don’t forget [event name] is [date] at [time] in the auditorium. Tickets are $10 at the door. See you there.

Example: Hello, Adray. Don’t forget the school play is tonight at 7 pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $10 at the door. See you there.

2. Emergency alert

Send an emergency alert SMS to students, staff or parents to quickly notify them of an emergency. You can also send info on how to stay safe.

Template: Hello [name]. Urgent! Due to [emergency], school is cancelled [date]. Stay safe and warm at home. Updates will be sent via SMS.

Example: Hello, Charles. Urgent!  Due to bad weather, school is cancelled today. Stay safe and warm at home. Updates will be sent via SMS.

3. Student communication

Send your students an SMS reminding them of an assignment, event or meeting.

Template: Hello, [name]. Reminder: Your science project is due tomorrow. Submit it by 5 pm to avoid late submission penalties.

Example: Hello, Kora. Reminder: Your science project is due tomorrow. Submit it by 5 pm to avoid late submission penalties.

4. Parent-Teacher conference

Send an SMS to parents and staff of your school to notify them of meetings or conferences.

Template: Hello, [name]. The parent-teacher conference is next week. Sign up for a slot at the school office or online. We look forward to seeing you.

Example: Hello, Mrs Grutz. The parent-teacher conference is next week. Sign up for a slot at the school office or online. We look forward to seeing you.

5. Absence notification

Send an SMS to parents to notify them of the absence of their children from school.

Template: Hello, [name]. We noticed that your child is absent today. Please let us know if they are sick or if there’s another reason for their absence.

Example: Hello, Mr Pams. We noticed that your child is absent today. Please let us know if they are sick or if there’s another reason for their absence.

6. Meeting reminder

Send an SMS to parents and staff to remind them of meetings.

Template: Hello, [name]. A gentle reminder! Our school council meeting in the library is tonight at 6 pm. See you there.

Example: Hello, Lham. A gentle reminder! Our school council meeting is tonight at 6 pm in the library. See you there.

7. Fundraiser announcement

Send an SMS to parents to tell them about your school’s fundraiser. You can also encourage them to contribute. 

Template: Hello [name]. We are hosting a fundraiser next week. Please donate and help support our students. Thank you for your generosity.

Example: Hello, Mrs Brian. We are hosting a fundraiser next week. Please donate and help support our students. Thank you for your generosity.

8. Schedule change

Send an SMS to notify students, staff and parents in case there is a change in the plans of an event. 

Template: Hello [name]. Due to an assembly, today’s schedule has been adjusted. Please refer to the school website for the updated schedule.

Example: Hello Kimberly. Due to an assembly, today’s schedule has been adjusted. Please refer to the school website for the updated schedule.

9. Survey request

Send out an SMS survey to gather feedback from students and parents about your school.

Template: Hello [name]. We value your opinion. Please take a moment to complete our school survey. Your feedback helps us improve. Thank you.

Example: Hello, Trisha. We value your opinion. Please take a moment to complete our school survey. Your feedback helps us improve. Thank you.

10. Graduation ceremony

Send an SMS to inform students, staff and parents about graduation ceremonies or matriculation events.

Template: Hello, [name]. Graduation is tomorrow at 10 am in the gym. Please arrive at 9:30 a.m. for seating. Congrats to our graduates.

Example: Hello, Mr Waffles. Graduation is tomorrow at 10 am in the gym. Please arrive at 9:30 a.m. for seating. Congrats to our graduates. 

Now that you have the templates, there is one more thing you need to do. 

Follow these rules when writing your SMS messages. 

SMS best practices to make your work more efficient 

Observe the following steps when writing any SMS message to your school community:

  • Keep messages short and simple: Ensure your messages are easy to read and understand. Use simple language and keep the message under 160 characters. 
  • Include essential details: Include all the vital info in the message, such as the date, time, and location.
  • Be consistent: Use the same format and tone for all your messages. This will help parents and students recognise the messages and know what to expect. 
  • Personalise messages when possible: Address recipients by their names. This makes the message feel personal and can increase engagement. 
  • Use SMS for urgent messages: Save SMS for urgent and emergency alerts. Use other methods, like email, for less urgent messages. 
  • Respect recipients’ privacy: Get consent before sending SMS messages. Also, make it easy for recipients to opt out if they no longer want to receive messages. 

Revolutionise education administration with SMSCountry

Now you know there is so much you can do with SMS in your school. You can create an excellent learning experience for your students via updates and messages. 

Why don’t you simplify your school admin processes with SMSCountry?

SMSCountry is a fast, reliable and secure bulk SMS service provider. To top it all, we offer all the customer support you need. 

You can set up and create effective SMS campaigns with the step-by-step guide we provided.

What are you waiting for? Schedule a free demo or sign up for free to experience the benefits of SMSCountry.

Anuoluwa Author | SMSCountry

Anuoluwa Soneye understands the world of technology and hospitality like a part of his arm. He brings this experience to work in creating content around SaaS tools, cybersecurity, communication tech for you. He not only writes based on his experience and online research, he also reaches out to experts in the field to gather ideas that you'd find very useful.

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